Wednesday 12 March 2014

Vintage haul and vlog - First Youtube video!

We decided to take a trip to our local vintage shop which is shutting down, it's so sad to see it go! But we grabbed ourselves some great bargains in their sale. If you're local to Norwich they'll be open for the next 4 weeks bringing in new stock every week until it's all gone. You can find it on St.Benedicts street and it's called Prim.

                                                       We decided to film it all so say hello to our first Youtube video!

If you would like to see any of the items on or how we style them then please feel free to let us know! We aren't sure whether making videos will be a regular thing for us yet but we hope you enjoyed our first video and maybe they'll be some more to come in the future! 

Alex & Meg


1 comment:

  1. Babe! Super cool blog!!! I just started following you on Bloglovin' :-).. I would appreciate it and would love it if you can follow back!


